The Need to Align Your Personality With Your Career
Career Wellness is about creating a harmonious balance among different life roles and priorities that impact our careers. That is, if you are burned out at work, this will most likely impact your personal well-being, emotions, and relationships and vice versa.
This week’s focus is one sensitive topic because the majority of us are daily seeking this level of wellbeing table.
There are several defining factors that may affect Working Professionals’ wellbeing such as the high rate of unemployment in the nation, working conditions, and dynamics or culture of the workplace culture and if these factors are not properly taken care of could lead to damages in our Mental Health.
People who are satisfied or happy at work are much less likely to report feeling stressed out by their job. On the other hand, when an individual is not happy with their career, he or she is likely to experience and report stress on the job.
Pillars of Career Fulfillment are:-
- PASSION – Aligning your career with your passion could be one of the best things you could do to jump-start your journey towards career success. It brings happiness, true prosperity, fulfillment, and satisfaction.Mark Zuckerberg did, Robert Kiyosaki did and the likes of them, all known for following their passion and turning it into a successful career.- Do you love baking cakes, or making delicious food but find yourself in interior designing.
– Are you easily and frequently depressed due to your job?
– Do you feel trapped and unable to break free?
– Do you lack satisfaction and fulfillment from your job?
- VALUES – These are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate your attitudes or actions. They help you to determine what is important to you. If you value integrity and find yourself in a job that you have to constantly compromise your moral standards or ethics, then the pressure will be huge.
Therefore, you must identify what work values you cherish the most before you choose a career because not identifying your work values will diminish your chances of ultimately being satisfied with your career or job.
It is imperative that you identify them early on in the career planning process by ranking a list of values, like the ones listed below then match the values at the top of your list with careers that satisfy them.
Here are examples of items that could appear on a work value list;
– Job security
– Achievement
– Independence
– Relationship
– Working condition.
You must also look at your other traits including personality type, interests, and attitude.
Adopting a value system that aligns with that of the organization is beneficial for both parties.
- STRENGTH – getting things done with less aggravation.Independent human resources consultant Jay Canchola says: “From an HR perspective, workplace strengths are usually defined in terms of competencies such as leadership, problem solving or teamwork.”Also, David Parnell, a legal recruiter, communication coach and author says that, “A workplace strength is any ability that is enjoyable, applicable, and that you are better at than most of your colleagues.”
It’s critical to identify your workplace strength, as it aids in career advancement.
One way you could identify your workplace strengths is to “listen to your emotions when you are working,”
Always seek to objectively observe the outcome of your actions. When you are good at something and intrinsically enjoy it, it is a true strength that is to be leveraged on.
Being stuck in your career is something nobody should go through even though research says that 85% of people around the world are currently going through this phase. You don’t have to!
Access our Work-Life Coaching services using the link in our bio or order for The Harmonised Life book by our CEO Nkem Offonabo to get you started on the journey to your Career Wellness
So far, we have shared about 3 Pillars of Career Fulfillment; Passion, Values, and Strengths, and the other two are?
For this weeks QFTW, name the 5 Pillars and stand a chance to win a copy of The Harmonised Life book today @theharmonisedlife
The 5 Pillars of Career Fulfillment was carefully discussed in chapter 5 of The Harmonised Life by Nkem offonabo
Let’s go! Who is our winner?
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