The Critical Areas of Life
There are times when we feel that nothing seems to be going our way, and it’s easy to feel “life” is against us.
It’s important in those times to stop and take check of where these areas of unhappiness or stress exist and put a plan in place to remedy the situation, to the best of our ability.
There would always be factors that are out of our control, events, or situations that affect us negatively.
It is in these times that seeking harmony is even more crucial so that we place ourselves in an environment that nurtures us rather than hinders.
Source Andrew Mitchell
We have realized through years of working with busy professionals that one cannot fully derive happiness from work alone or one aspect of life. We need other areas of our life functioning optimally and harmoniously to be truly satisfied. A wholesomely happy employee will be exceptionally productive at work.
Renowned wellness advocate Vishen Lakhiani of Mind Valley has identified Areas of Life that most significantly influence your happiness and productivity. These areas include:
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This is a measure of how happy you are in your current state of relationship, whether you are single and loving it, in a relationship, dating, or desiring a relationship.
This is a measure of how strong a support network you have. Do you have at least 5 people who
you know have your back, and you just love being around (mostly!)?
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How would you rate your health, given your age and any physical conditions?
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How much time do you set aside to learn new things, and how fast are you learning? How many books do you read? How many seminars do you attend yearly? Are you seeking to learn from others?
How fast are you improving the skills that make you unique and help you build a successful career, or enjoy a meaningful past time? Are you growing towards mastery or stagnating?
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How much time do you devote to spiritual, meditative, or contemplative practices that keep you feeling connected, balanced, and peaceful?
Are you growing, progressing, and excelling? Or do you feel stuck in a rut? If you have a business, is it thriving or stagnating?
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How is your relationship with your partner, parents, and siblings? If you don’t have an immediate family, how is your relationship with your extended family?
According to our CEO, @nkemoffonabo – ‘Work-Life Harmony is a deliberate choice to meaningful, deeply and rewardingly prioritize the key areas of your life such that you’re able to live a wholesomely productive and fulfilling life at work, home, community, and self’.
So, today, identify those critical areas of life that gives you joy, true prosperity, and fulfillment and make a deliberate decision to meaningfully, deeply, and rewardingly prioritize them to achieve more harmony in your life.
This is what we do with our coaching clients and this is a great time to begin to review your 2020 goals and your activities in those critical areas of life, ready to plan for 2021, knowing where to invest time, resources, and energy.
We are a call or an email away if you need a coaching session with us. Also, use the ???? ?? ??????????t
Blessed Week Ahead!!!
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