Here’s why you need a Coach

Are coaches only for those who need to have ‘performance improvement’?  Is having a coach even worth my time and money? These are valid questions as you necessarily don’t need a coach to achieve success in life but with one, your achievements are faster and easier.


But first, who’s a Coach?


Whether in sports, career, business or life in general, a coach, according to Tony Robbins, is someone who helps you, the ‘coachee’, identify your goals and develop an actionable plan to achieve them.


So, here’s why you need a coach:


  1. A Coach Becomes Your Professional Confidante With Your Best Interest in Mind.


  1. A Coach Sees and Believes in Your Potential.


  1. A Coach Will Help you to Expand your Thinking.


  1. A Coach Will Get you Out of your Comfort Zone.


  1. A Coach Will Hold you Accountable To Your Plan and Goals.


It’s not a must to have a coach as you can achieve your goals without one. But with a coach, you can achieve them quicker, better and with more confidence.


You know what? Even a coach needs a coach!


Do you need to Maximize your Potential and Improve Performance, Productivity and Profitability in Work and Life? Reach out to us via email:


Nkem Offonabo is a graduate of Psychology and a Certified HR Practitioner with over 10years experience that cuts cross Human Resource Management, Product Development and Business Development in the Financial Services Industry. She also runs her consultancy alongside her Corporate Career. She's the founder of The Work-Life Organization, a Personal Development and HR Consulting Community.

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